Spring Vale Primary School
Together Everyone Achieving More

School Uniform
At Spring Vale Primary, Governors and staff believe that uniform is important. It gives the child a feeling of belonging to the school, pride in their appearance and solves the problem of children wearing unsuitable clothes to school.
Please click here to order uniform directly from the Ron Flowers website.
The Uniform for Spring Vale Primary School is:
For general school wear:
School jumper or cardigan in maroon (available from Ron Flowers with pale blue Spring Vale logo) (required)
Black or grey school trousers (tailored shorts can be worn in summer) (required)
Black or grey skirts / pinafore dresses of a reasonable length (blue and white checked dress in summer) (required)
Pale blue shirt blouse / polo shirt (available from Ron Flowers with pale blue Spring Vale logo) (required)
School tie in maroon with pale blue stripe (optional)
Black sensible, low heeled shoes (required)
Please note trainers are not to be worn in school, except for P.E. lessons.
School sweatshirts, blue polo shirts, school ties and blue t-shirts can be bought from Ron Flowers Sports, 28 Queen Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 3JW. ALL GARMENTS AND PROPERTY SHOULD BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE CHILD’S NAME. School cannot be responsible for confusion over clothing if this is not the case.
PE kit - please send your child to school in their PE kit on their PE day - these can be found on the school website:
For physical education:
Blue t-shirt (required)
Black shorts (required in summer)
Black pumps/trainers (required)
Navy joggers (required)
Maroon Hoodie (required)
These are available from Ron Flowers embroidered with the school logo.
A one piece swimming costume for girls & swimming trunks/shorts (not Long Bermudas) for boys are required at KS2 for swimming lessons. Children with long hair will also need a swimming cap.
Extreme hairstyles are not allowed in school. This would include brightly coloured hair, spikes, Mohicans or patterns shaved into the hair.
Jewellery is not part of the uniform and should not be worn to school. It is a safety hazard, especially at playtimes and in PE lessons. If parents insist that earrings are worn because of pierced ears, then these must be small studs and not of the looped or dropper type. Children will be asked to remove them for PE lessons. No bangles should be worn to school unless worn for religious purposes. Nail varnish or any other make-up is not part of the school uniform and should not be worn to school.
ALL GARMENTS AND PROPERTY SHOULD BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE CHILD'S NAME. School cannot be responsible for confusion over clothing if this is not the case.
At school all children are strongly encouraged to take care of their property and leave other people’s property alone. School cannot be held responsible for loss or damage which may occur to pupils' property while it is on school premises.