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Year Group Overviews


Click on each year group to see what we learn about over Autumn Term.

N - Colours 

Y2 - The Seaside

R - Animal Stories 

Y3 - The Rainforest

Y1 - Around Our Local Area

Y4 - A Viking Invasion!

Y5 - Extreme Earth! 

Y6 - The World at War

Y1 - Toys and Homes in the Past

Click on each year group to see what we learn about over Spring Term.

R - People who help us 

N - All about me

Y2 - The Great Fire of London

Y3 - Stone Age to Iron Age 

Y4 - An Italian Investigation!

Y5 -  The Ancient Mayans

Y6 - Around the Ancient World in 80 Days

Click on each year group to see what we learn about over Summer Term.

N - How does your garden grow?

R - Journeys and Living Things

Y1 - Transport

Y2 - In the spotlight - Famous People

Y5 - The Victorians

Y3 - Ancient Rome

Y4 - Ancient Egypt!

Y6 - Trade and Tourism

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